Yuke @ Rice

Yuke Wang is the incoming assistant professor at Rice University CS Department in Fall 2025. Yuke got his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). He got his Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Software Engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2018.

At UCSB, Yuke is working with Prof Yufei Ding. Yuke's research interests include Systems & Compiler for deep learning and Parallel Programming. His recent projects cover graph neural network (GNN) optimization and its acceleration on GPUs. Yuke is also the recipient of the NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship 2022 - 2023 (Top-10 out of global applicants). The ultimate goal of Yuke’s research is to facilitate efficient, scalable, and secure deep learning in the future. 

[Hiring] We welcome graduate/undergraduate intern students to join our projects. Feel free to drop me an email! Feel free to check out the hiring post.  

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[04/30/24] OPER paper has been accepted to USENIX ATC'24Congrat to Zheng Wang!

[11/07/23] RAP paper has been accepted to ASPLOS'24Congrat to Zheng Wang!

[07/28/23] ZENO paper has been accepted to ASPLOS'24Congrat to Boyuan!

[04/28/23] GNN on GPU Tensor Core paper has been accepted to USENIX ATC'23Code is OpenSourced. Thanks to all collaborators!

[03/23/23] Multi-GPU GNN Acceleration paper has been accepted to OSDI’23Code is OpenSourced. Thanks to all collaborators!

[03/09/23] Photonic Quantum Compilation paper has been accepted to ISCA’23, Congrats to Hezi and all collaborators!

[02/21/23] I will brief my research at NVIDIA GTC'23 Graduate Fellowship Fast Forward Talks@Monday, 03/20, 9AM PDT.

[02/17/23] ALCOP paper has been accepted to MLSys’23, Congrats to Guyue and all collaborators!

[06/13/22] EL-Rec paper (the first Tensor-Train-based Large-scale Deep-learning Recommendation System) has been accepted to SC’22, code is open-sourced. Congrats to Zheng on his first Ph.D. paper!
[06/09/22] Faith paper (the first GPU-based Transformer Verification framework) has been accepted to USENIX ATC’22, code is open-sourced. Congrats to Boyuan and all collaborators!

[02/06/22] I will be presenting our TC-GNN work on NVIDIA GTC'22 (03/24 at 11am PST). code is open-sourced. slides is ready.
[11/23/21] Received the NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship 2022 - 2023. Thanks to NVIDIA.
[11/16/21] Our QGTC paper has been accepted to PPoPP’22. code is open-sourced.
[06/22/21] Our APNN-TC paper has been accepted to SC’21. code is open-sourced.
[04/26/21] Our Palleon paper has been accepted to USENIX ATC’21.
[03/16/21] Our GNNAdvisor paper has been accepted to OSDI’21. code is open-sourced.


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